Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thing 11

What do you like / dislike about leaving comments? How did you feel when you received your first comment? Why do you think commenting is so important in online communities? What might this mean for students who share their writing online?

Well mostly I read blogs as a silent participant unless I have a very strong opinion on something being said.  I view it as a book... I read the information and respond in my head.  So I would say I dislike leaving comments.  I was a little nervous when I received my first comments.  I think no one wants that typo to stick out or babble on in a blog.  Brevity is the key.  We in today's society want immediate feedback so commenting now is something most want.  Also it is so much easier to stick to your guns via keyboard as opposed to via phone or face to face. For students I would fear they would not proof read prior to submitting.  Thus the tone or context could be misconstrued. 

1 comment:

  1. Good point - why have students publish if it's not going to be good enough for the audience to read and make sense of the message? Will our students be better at communicating important content via short 140 character messages? Something to ponder . . .
